InterWikiSoftware RecentChanges


I've been reading MoinMoin? source, and see in the code how to work in protocol extensions. Currently, it's all hard-wired, but it should be simple to formalize the extension process, or to hard-wire in our own extensions. -- LionKimbro

I'm more focused on the client-side approach because I think that

a) wikis take forever to upgrade their software

b) a server-side improvement will only affect those wikis that use the software that we improve (i.e. we have to write a feature for moinmoin, and one for usemod, and one for phpwiki, and one for zwiki, etc).

c) i think that what can be cleanly modularized, should. there is no reason for the PageDatabase? backend functionality to be bundled with the UI; eventually I'd like to see wikis move to more of a client-server model (users could still see the same thing; but the URL that they are interacting with would be a separate piece of software from the pagedatabase backend, communicating through some sort of API). Similarly, I would like to separate "read page", "write page" primitives, which must ultimately be handled by the PageDatabase? backend, from higher level functions like "copy page", which can be built out of these primitives.

-- BayleShanks
