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the next time i have time to do anything with this project, I am going to first rewrite it to make it easier to add new WikiEngines, probably by adding regexps or XPaths to specify how to screenscrape them. -- BayleShanks ---- I don't have much spare time, so expect future development to be slow. -- BayleShanks ---- todo: * tar -p option in documentation ---- * ModWiki for MoinMoin * Put demo servers up on sourceforge * Comment feature for Atom * Tidy up code ** *** arg parse subroutine *** separate usemod-specific stuff into separate subs *** generic "putPage" subroutine *** generic xmlrpc *** generic rawmode-based subroutines *** more comments ** Others *** comment *** refactor generic Atom server out of * Send emails * Make tar file, release, make cvs * Announce: atomwiki, meatball, usemod, people whom i emailed * Future features ''(data types below are made up, just for explaning)'': <pre> bool checkLicenseCompatibilityForCopying(sourceWikiURL, sourceWikiSoftwareType, destinationWikiURL, destinationWikiSoftwareType) returns TRUE if copying is allowed from sourceWiki to destinationWiki, or FALSE if it is not copyPage calls checkLicenseCompatibilityForCopying automatically before copying, tries to auto-comply with attribution requirements if needed copyPageIgnoreLicense copys the page without checking the license, copys the page directly getPageURL(URL wikiURL, wikiTypeString wikiType, string pageName) convertMarkupFromXToY(string wikiPageText, wikiTypeString sourceWikiType, wikiTypeString destinationWikiType) getSearchResults(string searchString, URL wikiURL, wikiTypeString wikiType) copyEntireWiki(URL sourceWikiURL, wikiTypeString sourceWikiType, URL destWikiURL, wikiTypeString destWikiType) globalSearchAndReplace(string searchString, string replaceString, URL wikiURL, wikiTypeString wikiType) globalSearchAndReplaceRegexp(string searchRegexp, string replaceRegexp, URL wikiURL, wikiTypeString wikiType) </pre> * Salzer's "interwiki clearing house" idea: <pre>What I think the WikiGateway and InterWiki project really needs, is support for InterWiki requests and using it as proxy for registered Wikis. That is, it should be possible to request the page "WikiFeatures:InterMapJumping" from it with ease (without even having a local intermap entry for the WikiFeatures: wiki).</pre> ** <pre>pageCopy("FirstWiki:ThisPage", "MeatBall:SubmittedPage");</pre> * write/collect demo update collector scripts. collect/write wiki conversion scripts/XSLT. == Development priorities == Also thinking: We can start working on the protocols for transferring data, and communicating licenses, from one wiki to the next. There may be some wikilegal issues. -- LionKimbro The license stuff will need to be done eventually, but this isn't on my personal list of priorities. But if you'd like to get moving on the license stuff sooner, go ahead! I think these pages will relate: * * * * * Note that CC is looking for people to implement the stuff on the "challenges" page. You might be interesting in working on one of those projects (I'm not, or rather, I don't have time to). -- BayleShanks ---- CategoryWikiGateway
This change is a minor edit.