Difference between revision 2 and current revision
No diff available.There is a huge advantage to using WikiGateway as an XMLRPC (or Atom, etc) gateway, instead of using it as a library module inside client programs.
With WikiGateway as a library inside client programs, every time a wiki server makes an incompatible change to their UI, all of the clients will break until upgraded. With WikiGateway as an external XML-RPC gateway, the clients won't have to be upgraded, but only the gateway. Presumably the clients will be running on hundreds of users' PCs and the gateways will be run by a few users who are into this stuff, so it would make sense to saddle a few gateway hosts with the burden of upgrading their software whenever the WikiEngine? at the other end of their gateway makes an incompatible change.
CategoryWikiGateway http://vietseotop.vn http://caycanhnamtoan.com http://doanhnghiepmoi.net/sv693/tu-van-thanh-lap-doanh-nghiep.htm