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== List of people interested in initially joining/starting up PICA == * LionKimbro * AlexSchroeder? * JulianKrause? * BayleShanks * MattisManzel * DavidCary * SamRose ''How many people do we need before we reach "critical mass" ?'' (-- DavidCary?) : :) I think at this point the bottleneck is activity rather than people. Edits to this wiki are few and far between, for instance. -- BayleShanks Very well then: ''What kind of activity do we need before we reach "critical mass?"'' -- LionKimbro :) Well, this conversation is a start :). There are tons of things to be done, I guess. Let's continue this discussion on the ToDo page. -- BayleShanks See PicaMembership for general expectations of the benefits and duties of PICA members.
This change is a minor edit.