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Optimistic visions

I have noticed something in my mind: When I start writing down my ideas, my brain gives me more ideas like that. It's like my brain goes: "Hey! You're paying attention! You like that? Here, let me give you some more."

I believe it will be the same way with PICA, and developers. People will wake up, and go, "Wait! You care? You accept implementations?! You guys ROCK!"

It'll be beautiful. :)

I think we'll see a lot of victories in our first 2-3 years. I think that people will recognize: "WHoah! These guys are getting things implemented! Look at how that software works together with that software! Isn't that amazing? Sure, that formats a little funky, and that thing over there is just butt ugly, but overall, look at that!"

Also, we should not underestimate the role of the non-PICA members: They are likely to implement the best ideas from within PICA, magnifying what they saw in there. They will adopt PICA standards that they like, and thus, PICA standards will gain some reknown.

Then we can say, "IETF, we present this experimental standard."

Look: As this develops, all those people who have dreams, all those people who have ideas, will be attracted to PICA.

pessimistic visions