pica-wiki: wiki-node
Welcome to the pica-wiki, the pro/am internet communication alliance. We want to help make and implement good standards.
starting points
wiki-nodes of our neighbours
- the microformats wiki
- the SVG wiki
- the W3C wiki
- IETF Working Group Chairs wiki
- Internet Research Task Force wiki
- the Atom Project wiki: According to Clay Shirky, this wiki developed the Atom publishing protocol from the original back-of-the-envelope scratchings to an IETF RFC standard.
- wiki patents: community patent review: some "standards" have one or more patents associated with them. (I'm thinking of GIF which used the LZW patent (now expired), various authentication protocols which used the RSA patent (now expired), and all the motion-picture protocols which use the MPEG patents).
- The CAN wiki describes the controller area network (CAN) bus and some of the protocols used on it. The CAN bus is required in all passenger cars sold in the U.S. and in Europe, and is also used in a variety of medical equipment and factory automation.
- The Linux Standard Base Wiki discusses the the Linux Standard Base (LSB) project, which helps programmers target a single standard that so that their programs run on a variety of Linux distributions. (Rather than the programmer having to tweak and test the program for each distribution).
- Is the "Net Neutrality" wiki relevant enough? What happens to "net neutrality" if, hypothetically, NgARN ends up better, faster, and cheaper than legacy networks, and the amateur radio operators who set it up insist that "amateur radio communications are not allowed to be made for commercial or money-making purposes."? :-)
- the freedesktop.org wiki, like PICA, "is not a formal standards organization". Nevertheless, they collect things that "are not really standards [but] Draft specifications that have pretty good de facto adoption/agreement".
- Wikibooks: Universal Serial Bus (USB) describes USB and practical tips on building hardware that uses USB.
the pica-wiki in center-wikis
real-time communication
- irc: server: freenode, channel: #onebigsoup
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